What we do.

We work with clients to realise the potential of their enterprise and their people.


+ Restructuring, Reorganisation, M&A and Growth

“When the rate of change outside the organisation exceeds the rate of change within the organisation, the end is in sight.” - Jack Welch

We understand that to sustain success, we must sometimes be willing to let go of things that are no longer successful. We work with clients to realise the potential of their enterprise. Our services include;

  • Fit for purpose reviews including strategy, structure and people
  • Performance problem solving and design of improvement initiatives
  • Organisation redesign, reorganisation and restructuring
  • Intergenerational business transition
  • M&A, due diligence, deal advice and transition
  • Labour cost reconstruction. Labour productivity and ER solutions
  • Change planning, communications and leadership
  • Culture change

+ Strategy Clarification

“We work with you to understand the future and what it means for your organization”.

We create shareholder value and enable competitive agility by partnering with boards, CEOs, and senior executives to define and answer their most strategic business questions, including growth, profitability, technology-driven transformation, M&A, operating models, and sustainability.

Our services include;

  • Facilitation of strategy challenge and business plan development
  • Clarifying the implications of strategy for business transformation
  • Planning and supporting the migration from vision to reality

+ Business Turnaround

“We partner with you (and your stakeholders) to ensure good Kiwi businesses survive and thrive”.

We help under-performing, often financially-challenged companies and their lenders to turnaround business performance and overcome challenging market conditions and liquidity constraints. We provide rapid, strategic advice in a variety of areas including:

  • Working with clients to diagnose and triage their issues and develop viable, credible turnaround strategies with supporting plans and supporting financials.
  • Working with clients and banks/financiers to secure financial support.
  • Assisting clients to develop detailed implementation plans including necessary restructuring, reorganisation and investment or divestment.
  • Provide advice, plans, methodologies and people in all functional areas to ensure the client has the capability for implementation.
  • Working with clients to monitor their progress, challenge their options and continue to improve performance.
  • Our input varies from external monitoring to board advisory to hands on executive support via executive leasing.

+ Governance and Advisory

We bring wide experience at board level both as professional directors and on advisory boards.

Our services include;

  • Board/ Advisory group establishment or upgrade
  • Board or advisory group membership

+ Coaching, Mentoring and Executive development

“We believe leaders create culture and culture creates results”. We coach and mentor business leaders including board members and executives.

Our services include;

  • Coaching of chairpersons and board members
  • Coaching and mentoring for CEO’s and senior executives
  • Inhouse executive development programs